RJC Osaka

Reaching Japanese for Christ - Osaka

RJC-Osaka glorifies God by bringing the gospel to Japanese & discipling them in Christ.


RJC Multi-Site Conference 2018 Osaka

マルチサイト カンファレンス 2018年 大阪

We had a great conference! The Lord blessed us with times of fellowship, prayer and learning. Here are the four seminars we had in Osaka (two in Japanese, two in English). Enjoy!


2018 RJC Osaka: 大西邦嗣牧師、日本の独特の文化と人間関係や社会とキリスト教の生活の中にある緊張関係下で、どのように倍加弟子を造り、育てるのか、それについての挑戦と対話。

2018 RJC Osaka: 岸本大樹牧師、大阪聖書学院長「全知全能の神が罪人の私のためにイエス・キリストという独り子を遣わされたことに、ショックと感動を覚えました。」

2018 RJC Osaka: Dan Ellrick, Pastor and IMF missionary, shares new ways of thinking about Japanese culture...

2018 RJC Osaka: Charles Seelen and Jason Queen introduce the Andrew Project and inspire you to make Jesus known!

A one-day conference to promote the work of the gospel in Japan. This multi-city conference will be held in Osaka and Tokyo, as well as in eight American cities.

Our featured speaker is Pastor Hiroaki Yonai, of Kokubunji Baptist Church in Tokyo. Yonai-sensei is also the chairman of the Japanese Christian Fellowship Network (JCFN) and vice-chairman of the Japan Evangelical Association (JEA).

Several local speakers will conduct workshops about the gospel in Japan -- two in Japanese, and two in English.

A time of worship, a panel discussion, and a concert of prayer round out the schedule, and an obento lunch is included in the cost of the conference.

Early Registration Cost: ¥3,000 early registration (paid by Sept. 20)

Regular Cost: ¥3,500.

Register online at: https://goo.gl/forms/F7uLH28rCF1ojpDG2 (Below)





前割:3000円(9月20日までにお支払いください。) 通常:3500円

Register online at: https://goo.gl/forms/F7uLH28rCF1ojpDG2 (以下にあり)